Course #2 - Brand Building for Social Change


Course #2 - Brand Building for Social Change - Course overview

  • Brand Building, Brand Audit, Brand Shifting, and Rebranding  

  • Content Production - Copy, Design, Video, and Social Media  

  • Developing Content Buckets for Organizational Strategy

The first class is the most theoretical of the course, in the 2nd and 3rd course we really dig into practical production skills as I give an overview of the different pieces of the puzzle that make up content development and digital production. At this point in the course, students and teams should begin ideating the pitch they want to work on during the class. 

0:00​ - Consume Content

1:35​ - Writing & Copy for Branding

3:40​ - 5 Most Important Points

4:25​ - How do You Think About Your Brand?

6:44​ - Content is Like a Giant Puzzle Telling the Story of Your Brand

7:25​ - Brand Audit Template

9:20​ - Audience Mapping

11:25​ - Halal Branding

12:20​ - Branding Defenition

14:23​ - How do you want to make people feel?

15:30​ - Mood Boards

17:15​ - #1 - Building a Brand

21:00​ - Launch & Test Audiences

24:00​ - Art Direction

33:40​ - #2 - Brand Shifting

39:45​ - #3 - Rebranding

43:00​ - The Monk of Mokha

45:00​ - Othering & Belonging Institute

Finding brand inspiration & art direction

0:00​ - Where to Find Brand Inspiration?

0:35​ - Magazines for Brand Digging

1:20​ - COLORS

2:05​ - DRIFT

2:35​ - BrownBook

3:15​ - B - Brand Balance

5:00​ - Layers of Cities & Thought

5:50​ - All about Ilham (Inspiration)

Course #2 Slides

Course #2 Reading & Watch List

Articles, Videos, and Templates: 


Brand Audit Template - Beyond Borders Studios (Make a copy of the sheet to use internally within your organizations)

Designing Brand Identity by Alina Wheeler (Book - 3rd Edition is attached in course resources, 5th edition is available for purchase online). 

Brand Shifting the Largest Muslim Civil Rights Organization in the United States Piece by Dustin Craun 

Creating a Personal Voice Plan by Omar Yaqub

How Apple and Nike have branded your brain by the Big Think

Design Driven Brands Will Lead the Islamic Economy by Peter Gould 

Prof Says Why Understanding Branding is Demanding - In Spoken Word & Rhyme - Dr. Jonathon Wilson 

A Customer Journey Map to Improve Customer Experience 

Audience Research by Lauren Gardner

Magazine B - Each issue focused on the story of a different global brand

Monocle - Great website for brand ideation and global ideas 

Alef Magazine - Old Qatar based English / Arabic publication

Deeper viewing on how we got to this moment in our ultra branded world can be found in Adam Curtis’s masterful documentary, “The Century of the Self.”

On the ideas I’m talking about in the brand inspiration video, this is a cool video with not my favorite director, Quentin Tarantino talking about how he works through his writing process and how he uses music and other things to inspire his story.